A face-lift is a procedure to lift and tighten sagging skin on the face and neck. Surgeons perform the surgery in the operating room while the patient is often completely asleep under general anesthesia.

During the procedure, surgeons make small incisions around the earlobes to help hide any surgical scarring, which is minimal. They lift and pull back loose facial and neck skin and connective tissue, removing excess skin before closing the incisions.

Nose Correction Rhinoplasty, or surgery to reshape the nose, is one of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils, or change the angle between your nose and your upper lip. It may also correct a birth defect or injury, or help relieve some breathing problems.

An eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is a procedure to remove skin and to add or remove fat from the eyelids. The term "eyelid lift" is a misnomer because the eyelid is not truly lifted during surgery.

A lip lift can be a good option for older people who want to reduce the space between the lips and the nose. With age, this space typically increases and can make lips look thinner.

Genioplasty is a type of surgery done on the chin. Both plastic surgeons and maxillofacial surgeons (surgeons who work on the mouth and jaw) can perform this type of surgery.

The procedure addresses problem areas, such as:

  • Jowls that occur on the jawline
  • Loose neck skin
  • Nasolabial folds, also known as marionette lines, between the nose and mouth
  • Midface drooping
  • Double chin


A face-lift is a procedure to lift and tighten sagging skin on the face and neck. Surgeons perform the surgery in the operating room while the patient is often completely asleep under general anesthesia.

During the procedure, surgeons make small incisions around the earlobes to help hide any surgical scarring, which is minimal. They lift and pull back loose facial and neck skin and connective tissue, removing excess skin before closing the incisions.


Here are all facelift techniques surgeons recommend as per the requirements and evaluations of a person’s face:

1.Short scar lift – People with less looseness in their neck area receive this procedure. The front section of a candidate’s ear gets a small incision. The incision requires no further extension and the effects last longer than 10 years. It is an outpatient procedure, during which, a patient stays under the effect of general or local anaesthesia. The bandages need to stay on for 2 days, while the suture takes 7-8 days for removal.

2.Mid facelift – This type of surgical procedure is limited to a patient’s cheek area. A small incision created right in the ear’s front area does the work. The procedure requires general or local anaesthesia with 7-8 days to remove the suture.

3.Lower facelift – This surgical procedure covers the jowl area, which covers the jawline and sagging skin around that area. Professional surgeons create a precise incision to remodel and reshape the muscles, tissues and skin layers systematically to achieve the desired lift.

4.MACS facelift – MACS or Minimum Access Cranial Suspension is provided to lift the layers in your cheeks, neck and jowl areas. After the lift, the same areas get suspended to cover bones and muscles. This procedure is popular due to less dissection and provides long-lasting results for more than 10 years.

5.Endoscopic facelift – An endoscopic facelift focuses on lifting a wide range of facial parts. Mostly, this facelift is combined with Endoscopic forehead and neck lift to achieve an overall effect.

6.Thread or feather lift - Multiple types of thread lift procedures exist, including extremely small-sized incisions. However, the effects of this procedure stay effective for only about a year or so. This procedure is not for people who need skin tightening. Call now for a consultation!

The procedure addresses problem areas, such as:

  • Jowls that occur on the jawline
  • Loose neck skin
  • Nasolabial folds, also known as marionette lines, between the nose and mouth
  • Midface drooping
  • Double chin


Rhinoplasty, or surgery to reshape the nose, is one of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils, or change the angle between your nose and your upper lip. It may also correct a birth defect or injury, or help relieve some breathing problems.

If you're considering rhinoplasty, this information will give you a basic understanding of the procedure- when it can help, how it is performed, and what results you can expect. It can't answer all of your questions, since a lot depends on the individual patient and the surgeon. Please ask your surgeon about anything you don't understand.

Recovery from Rhinoplasty

After surgery, your doctor may place a plastic or metal splint on your nose. The splint will help your nose retain its new shape while it heals. They may also place nasal packs or splints inside your nostrils to stabilize your septum, which is the part of your nose between your nostrils.

You’ll be monitored in a recovery room for at least a few hours after surgery. If everything is okay, you’ll leave later that day. You’ll need someone to drive you home because the anesthesia will still affect you. If it’s a complicated procedure, you might have to stay in the hospital for a day or two. To reduce bleeding and swelling, you’ll want to rest with your head elevated above your chest. If your nose is swollen or packed with cotton, you might feel congested. People are usually required to leave splints and dressings in place for up to a week after surgery. You might have absorbable stitches, meaning they’ll dissolve and won’t require removal. If the stitches aren’t absorbable, you’ll need to see your doctor again a week after surgery to get the stitches taken out.

Risks of RhinoplastyAll surgeries carry some risks, including infection, bleeding, or a bad reaction to anesthesia. Rhinoplasty may also increase your risk of:

  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Nosebleeds
  • A Numb Nose
  • An Asymmetrical Nose
  • Scars


An eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is a procedure to remove skin and to add or remove fat from the eyelids. The term "eyelid lift" is a misnomer because the eyelid is not truly lifted during surgery.

Upper blepharoplasty surgery uses incisions to allow for removal of skin and fat. A thin stitch is then used to bring the skin together to allow for a creation of an eyelid crease.

Why is eyelid surgery performed?

Upper eyelid excess skin and fat can create a heavy looking eyelid, aged appearance, puffiness, and sometimes block the upper field of vision. Upper blepharoplasty is performed to remove excess skin and fat and can improve the field of vision. Double eyelid surgery, also called Asian eyelid surgery, is performed to create or enhance an upper eyelid crease. This type of surgery is performed on Asian people to "westernize" the appearance of the eyelid.

Lower blepharoplasty can be performed to remove excess skin and improve the contour of the eyelid by adding or removing fat. Sometimes tightening the eyelid is needed to correct sagging, while laser skin resurfacing can be used to improve wrinkles and skin texture.

Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

Those individuals with realistic expectations who are in good health are suitable for eyelid surgery.

How do you prepare for eyelid surgery?

Prior to eyelid surgery, the patient should have a detailed examination and discussion about blepharoplasty and potential risks and benefits associated with the procedure. The patient should follow the doctor's preoperative instructions carefully and thoroughly review the postoperative instructions before the day of surgery. This will allow the patient to have any medications for pain relief or necessary items such a gel packs, artificial tears, and gauze at home prior to their return from surgery. A physical may be required to have your medical doctor "clear" you for surgery if intravenous sedation or general anesthesia is used.

How long is the recovery time for eyelid surgery?

Patients usually have a short recovery time after blepharoplasty. Although bruising and swelling is usually worse on the day after surgery, they quickly begin to disappear. During the first 48 hours, the use of cool compresses can greatly reduce bruising and swelling around the eyes and face. Light activity such as walking will also help speed healing. Thin bandages are usually placed over the incision sites and removed in several days, while the stitches can remain in the skin for about a week. Sometimes self-absorbing stitches are used that do not require removal.


A lip lift can be a good option for older people who want to reduce the space between the lips and the nose. With age, this space typically increases and can make lips look thinner.Younger people who haven’t achieved the look they want from fillers, or if they find that fillers make their lips look unnaturally plump or duck-like, may prefer a lip lift.

  • A lip lift is an in-office surgical procedure that shortens the space between the nose and the top of the lip, known as the “philtrum.”
  • The procedure increases the amount of pink tissue that’s visible which makes the lips look fuller and more pronounced. It also increases how much of your upper central teeth show when your lips are resting.
  • It’s a good option for people who want to add height instead of volume to their lips.

Who’s a good candidate for a lip lift?

A lip lift can be a good option for older people who want to reduce the space between the lips and the nose. With age, this space typically increases and can make lips look thinner. Younger people who haven’t achieved the look they want from fillers, or if they find that fillers make their lips look unnaturally plump or duck-like, may prefer a lip lift.Lip lifts


Genioplasty is a type of surgery done on the chin. Both plastic surgeons and maxillofacial surgeons(surgeons who work on the mouth and jaw) can perform this type of surgery.Genioplasty is most frequently a cosmetic surgery, meaning people choose to have it for looks and not because of a medical problem. For this reason, it’s often not covered by insurance.

Chin implant surgery is a day care surgery .We call the patient empty stomach in the morning and send them back in the same evening.You will be advised semi solid diet for next few days. You can do all the normal activities at home from the next day only but it is advised to take one week off from your work . You will be advised antibiotics and analgesics for one week .There can be mild pain and swelling which is resolved with medicine over one week. Skin sutures are removed at 1 week.

Chin Implant Condidates-

  • Recessed Chin
  • Pointed or squared chin
  • Prominent Nose
  • Fleshy Neck
  • There are several ways to conduct this procedure:

    • Advancement, or moving the chin forward
    • Pushback, or moving the chin backward
    • Side-to-side, which can help with asymmetrical chins
    • Midface drooping
    • Vertical changes, such as making the chin longer or shorter
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